Monday, September 25, 2006

A Very Good Experience!!

I had many excellent expectations for my blog. When my teacher Mr. Hide told us that we were going to do a blog I knew it was going to be great because I had always dream for having my own webpage, address, etc! Somehow I haven't done anything alike yet; I had never thought that making a blog would be so fun. , First I thought they were going to be many people visiting my posts and many comments.

I think my expectations for the blog were quite okay. It has been a awesome experience until this day, and my expectations, thoughts, and feelings haven't change. You can make posts of whatever you want. Its very easy in the terms publishing stuff; like Editing changing the color of the letters, the size, background, pictures which gives color to your post, and videos; this things you could do them in a short amount of time, I was very amazed! . But it also has some difficulties because its better if you do one that every person(boy and girls) will enjoy, and the site were you make your post doesn’t have spelling check so you will need to be very careful with those things.

In conclusion it’s very interesting but you will have to put allot of interest on it or you will not success doing this assignment.


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