Had you ever had a problem? Don´t say "that haven't happened to me"; everyone makes mistakes and has problems. I deal with the problems in many ways in good ways and some times bad ways. Well, I Use different strategies depending on the length of the problem. Sometimes I try to hide it if it is so big(that a a example of how to deal with a problem in a bad way), or reflect or ask question for myself (which is helpfulld) like: what happened? Why did it happen? And more questions. Other strategies that I use is telling my mom or dad about it, and say that I know I make a mistake and It wont happen again. I amgoing to tell you in the next paragraphs an experience that I had time ago.

Had you ever had a big problem and you don’t want anyone to know about it because you think you are going to be punished and you will pay the consequences of you errors? Me yes; it was a very bad experience and I wouldn’t like it to happen again. Several months ago 6 friends and I were on the pool of my building; we were having fun playing with chairs inside the pool, talking and more things, when someone threw a chair to the water, and it broke. All of us were very scared and we didn't know what to do; time passed and we decided to keep the secret and don't tell anyone about the happened. But how could we hide the chair and it broken leg so that nobody would find out that we broke it?

So we decided to throw the leg into the garbage, but what would we do with the other part the chair it was big and it didn’t fit in the garbage; so we putted in the roof of the 12 story building. We hoped that time passed and anyone will now nothing. We kept playing on the pool but very nervous that someone sees the chair and as a result we'll be in huge problems. Night came and every friend went to its home. That night as I very scared I almost can’t sleep. 4 or 5 days passed and my mom said to come here that she was going to tell me something important; I knew it will happen something bad. She told me that she and the building knew that we had brake the chair and that we would have consequences; we talked about what happened and why I didn’t told her the same day of the incident, I told her that sorry and that it wouldn’t happened again. After I had talked with her the entire situation she told me that we would have to pay it. Now I was in really big problems. I called each friend and told them that they already knew about the chair and that we will go to have to pay it. Some persons agreed and some disagreed but finally everyone putted money to pay it.
This time obviously I didn’t like this experience and I hope it won't happen again.
I wish I understood why you threw a chair to the water, and if you said the truth you would only need to pay, you would not be punished so bad. This post is relevant because you said the truth and it seems that you are really sorry of what you did, and that is something that is very good. I really liked how you wrote the post, you wrote it like a story you invented. That is very good.
I wish I understood why we threw the chair to the pool. It was very funny when we didn´t knew what to do with the chair. I think that it was just that we needed to pay the chair because we all were playing with it. Eventhough it was a cool and a remembered experience.
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