Saturday, February 03, 2007

TLP Skype Call

On Monday, January 30, 2007 we were going to have the TLP Skype Call with one school of Canada and one school at Virginia. Because of some problems we could not have the TLP Skype Call on the school so we had to go to Mr. Hide’s class house which is near the school for the conversation. When we arrive to his house we got ready and we start the TLP Skype Call conversation with the other schools. We settled in the groups that we divided which were school environment, social environment, and the physical environment. We had a especial system of rotation that helped us to organize ourselves for the TLP Skype CallFirst of all we had the introduction of each school.

When each school finished saying their introduction we talked about the first topic which was school environment. The first school who talked about their school was the Canada school, and then followed by us and at last the Virginia school. Each school told about how their classes were. Each school also talked about their recess, how much time they were and what did the did normally. We also talked about the time that they have to arrive to school and the time that they return to their homes. We also talked about the uniforms something good about the Virginia school is that they don’t have to wear uniforms. We also talked about the after school sport classes, and the subjects that we have in each school.

Then we talked that each school have to have notes and then publish it at the TLP webpage. The Canada school wrote notes about the School environment, the Virginia school wrote notes about the physical, and we had to write notes about social environment.

The second topic we talked about was physical environment. The first one who talked was us the followed by Virginia school, and at last the Canada school. On these presentations each one talked about the global warming if it was affecting the places were we lived? We also talked about the water. Transportation and the crime rate of each place. We also talked about our community and what were the places that we liked to go on weekends, and the geographic features. We also talked about tourisms and it affect on the places, and traffic. The last thing we talked was the people and about the climate.

The last topic that we talked about was the social environment. This time the first school that started talking was the Canada school, the followed by us and at last the Virginia school. This time we talked about the things we made on weekends, and the best places to go in each part. The most common places each school went are movies, restaurants, and shopping.

When we finished talking each school said bye and we returned to our school; were we had a normal day!

You can see our class introductions at Mr. hide's. blog . You can also hear the TLP Skype Call if you click here. You can also see the page of the TLP notes at


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